Beatrice Kioko

Transnational Dispute Resolution LLM

Why did you choose this course at The University of Manchester Law School?

Beatrice Kioko moved to Manchester from Kenya to study for her master's in Transnational Dispute Resolution.
Beatrice Kioko moved to Manchester from Kenya to study for her master's in Transnational Dispute Resolution.

I received good feedback from friends who had studied in Manchester. It was also one of the few Universities that offered the course that I wanted to do. In addition to this, the prospect of studying in a multicultural city was exciting.

What do you most enjoy about studying here?

The diversity of both students and staff is exciting. This allows people to experience things from different dimensions and broaden their views on life.

What has been the highlight of your course so far?

This would be sharing a class with an extremely diverse group of people. There is something about hearing a concept in a totally different light, sparking ideas that I probably would not have thought about before. Any single perspective or way of doing things, or looking at things, is bound to be challenged. You are forced to question what you thought you knew and this has been amazing.

Have you been involved in any of the Law societies, events, or activities which complement your study?

I recently signed up as a Student Ambassador for the Law School and I am excited to meet prospective students. I am also part of the International Society who organise day trips and language learning sessions that enrich the experience here.

What aspects of your learning experience might be of benefit in pursuing your future career?

Opportunities to undertake legal research as well as the numerous networking events and forums made available to the Law students.

Is there one valuable experience you will take away that you could only have experienced at Manchester?

Always keeping a critical mind. It is not enough to simply take things at face value, or accept something as factual because it exists in a book or journal. It is important and beneficial to question everything and formulate an informed opinion.

What are your plans after graduation, and how do you feel studying at Manchester has prepared you for this?

My plan is to work in International Law and Dispute Settlement. Studying at Manchester is preparing me for this by allowing me to interact with leading scholars and practitioners in the field as well as learn the workings of other countries.

In addition to this, the lectures and seminars are structured in such a way as to prepare you for the industry rather than simply acting as academic exercises.

What advice would you give to new Law students at Manchester?

You have come to the right place. Find your way around, settle in as fast as you can and be prepared to put in the work.

Everything else will then fall into place. Do more than just the academic study because then you will get the benefit of the full Manchester experience.